Liquid nitrogen is used for industrial purposes; it is the substance that exists at 196 °C. Nowadays, this liquid nitrogen is commonly used in restaurants in food and drinks (mocktails).
So customers may be attracted by the effect of smoke coming out of food and drinks, but it is very harmful and dangerous for our health.
Killer Liquid Nitrogen in your food.
It is so cold that if someone consumes it by mistake, it will freeze all the tissues of the body, due to which that person will be seriously injured.
It may cause frostbite or internal damage, or if someone inhales it, it can also cause damage to the respiratory tract.
But the most worrying thing is that when these restaurants and hotels use this liquid nitrogen, they do not take or follow proper precautions.
Due to this negligence, the chances of accidents increase. And this is the reason why health organizations are against the use of this liquid nitrogen.
But these restaurants ignore it, and they use it in most of their dishes to attract customers. It is not ethically safe, and it is very wrong, so we just have to be careful while choosing food in restaurants or hotels.
Bangalore incident
A 12-year-old girl from Bengaluru in India got a hole in her stomach. What food can you eat to make this happen? This is something that can be easily found in any event and even some restaurants, and it is very popular among the youth. It is a new food trend to make Smokey shows, Frozen Desserts or create Vapor Clouds.
I am sure you have guessed already, I am talking about Liquid Nitrogen, and it has landed a girl in ICU.
Smokey Paan
Let me tell you the whole story: it was a wedding event. Among the many delicacies being served to the guests, one of them was the SMOKEY PAAN, yes, the PAAN which is also known as Betel Quid.

Making quite a show, it was enveloped in a beautiful cloud of vapor. Which was attracting the guests, serving as the perfect material for Instagram, reels, and stories.
As you see, when food products are immersed in Liquid Nitrogen, and then exposed to air, they produce vapors.
A 12-year-old girl became the victim of this spectacle without thinking. The girl ate the Smokey Paan, and soon after that she complained of severe stomach pain and bloating, which increased the concern among her family members.
Perforation Peritonitis
She was immediately taken to the hospital. After examination, the doctors found out that the child’s stomach had a hole and it was filled with gas. In medical language, this condition is called Perforation Peritonitis.
This was a threat to her life, so the doctors decided to operate on her immediately. They removed the part of the stomach with the hole by surgery.
The girl was in the I.C.U for 3 days; no one had any idea that this could happen, no matter how beautiful it looks. Liquid Nitrogen is after all a compound that has nothing to do with food.
But it is being used to make fast frozen desserts or to create Vapor Clouds around food items; it has many harmful effects.
How can we forget about the Gujarat incident? Leaked of a Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and hammered thousands of lives, it is the same type of gas that is now used mostly in food in liquid form to look attractive. If you consume this, it may hamper breathing problems and several organ damage.

Now the question is, and it is a matter of thinking, if Liquid Nitrogen, is so harmful, then why it is use in food and why it is regulated in India…….?
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