We are in the middle of a global climate revolution that no one is talking about and if I were a teen, I would have jumped on this revolution . It is called the GREEN ENERGY REVOLUTION. There are 3 main GREEN ENERGY REVOLUTIONS, Sun, Air and Water. In U.K. there is a gallery in Science Museum, that shows us how big this revolution is!
Green Energy revolution has been started.
As we all are very much aware of the huge change in Global Climate, now the world is moving towards the GREEN ENERGY REVOLUTION. Most of the country is preparing them self, that not to depend on fossil fuels and look forward for sustainable energy for future.
3 main Source of Green Energy
The main source of these energies are Solar, Water and Wind, and because of technological advancements, the cost is quite low, so every common person can have access to it. The leading countries in these fields are China, USA and Germany, while developing countries like India, Indonesia and Malaysia follow.

It comes from renewable sources like solar, water, wind and geothermal energy. It is not only environmentally friendly, but it also helps us to grow our country’s economy. Now the government, organizations and common people have also come to know how important this ENERGY is in our daily lives.
Adani’s Solar
India is building something, you can see from the space, it is not a statue or a temple, or Taj Mahal, or a Great Wall, it is a Solar Energy Plant, the largest in the world. It is ADANI GREEN ENERGY. This factory is in India, not in China. Every Indian should see this factory and be proud of it. The world needs a lot of energy, but 80 percent of the world’s solar factories are in one country, China.
So ADANI Group from India decided to build their own solar factory and they did it. It is one of the few places in the world where solar panels are made from scratch. It all starts with sand.
Silica Sand
Yes. This is a special type of sand called silica sand. The sand is cleaned and heated to form pieces of a substance, silicon. The silicon is then heated and melted again and cut into very small pieces. This blue thing can now convert sunlight into electricity.

Each panel captures more than 22% of the sun’s energy and creates 100% Green Energy. These solar panels are then packaged and shipped around India and the world. Now solar parks can be built in the deserts of India, creating Green Energy for millions of people. We can change the entire energy source of the world by using renewable and Green Energy.
For many years the world was depend on China for solar panels, but now India is making its own solar panels. It is 100% Green Energy and 100% renewable. With small pieces of sand, we can create Green Energy for millions of people.
This is not just one revolution, it is three revolutions, NUCLEAR REVOLUTION, SOLAR REVOLUTION and WIND REVOLUTION. This is three times more exciting. The largest renewable energy installation in the world will not be in Europe or North America, it is being built right here in India by Adani GREEN. This PLANT will generate 30 Giga Watt of GREEN ENERGY from solar and wind by 2030.
This will power 22 million homes in India alone with ZERO carbon producing energy. Adani Green Energy is leading an energy transformation that honors that commitment, says Mr. Gautam Adani. We are targeting 45 Giga Watt of renewable energy by 2030. This will be like providing clean energy to almost every home in England. And I bet you didn’t know that in just 10 years India has increased its GREEN ENERGY by 400%.
Here is how the graph of GREEN ENERGY looks like.
By 2030 everything be renewable
I bet you didn’t know that by 2070 this country is aiming to reach NET ZERO EMISSIONS and by 2030 half of India’s energy will come from RENEWABLE energy. Which means, crores of autos, cars, motorcycles and buses will have to run on electricity.
All this will be a thing of the past
The revolution has already begun
The trend of electric vehicles is increasing day by day in every country. Governments are giving subsidies, tax benefits on the purchase of electric vehicles (EV’s) in most countries to support this movement and are even investing in charging points. So people don’t have to depend on petrol and diesel. It is not just India, every single country will have to do this in the future,
How green energy create career.
Now imagine how many new jobs will be created as we transform the world from fossil fuels to green energy for billions of people.
You know a lot of young generation thinking what career should I choose? What job should I get? What industry should I join? And I think it is quite clear, GREEN ENERGY REVOLUTION is going to create a lot of jobs. It is 100% the future.
Join the REVOLUTION, because there is nothing more powerful than making the world green, and this GREEN ENERGY does not harm our nature. This movement is not only for the environment but also important for the economy. Green energy revolution is the hope for a clean and green future for all of us.